Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reply to Felicia P's post "Is This Guy For Real? - Tim Tebow"

Is Tim Tebow for real? Yes, yes he is.

I don't understand why everyone has made such a big deal about Tim Tebow's apparent belief in the Christian faith. Religion is nothing new to sports, and praising the heavens or God or whomever an athlete feels like praising after a great feat is nothing new. Tim Tebow is doing something that has been done in every sport for decades, he is thanking a greater power for his ability.

I am a baseball nut, I live for the sport. I have been watching since I can remember and have been playing since I was 4 years old. If you want an example of players praising a greater power after an exceptional performance or showing of skill, you should look no further than baseball. Have a look at the following photos:

These are just an example of the countless number of players that do a salute to above EVERY GAME. This has become so common practice in baseball that most don't even realize that the players are doing it. It seems like their routine, as if it is in their natural movement to do it. In a way, it is.

Baseball is a sport that is huge on superstition. A player often tries to repeat the same cycle of movements every time they take the field because they feel that if they were to change something then the baseball "Gods" would cast bad luck on them. For players that point to the sky, it is just as much a part of their routine as it is a showing of their faith. There is really nothing different between what they do and what Tim Tebow does after a touchdown pass. It can be argued that Tebow is just as superstitious as baseball players, because by nature athletes of all sports are superstitious. The only difference between Tebow and countless baseball players is that amount of coverage Tebow gets for something that really is not that big of a deal.

If anything, the fact that Tebow has a background that is heavily involved in his Christian faith should be applauded. It shows that he has reason to take a knee and pray. For baseball players, superstition may trump faith. They may be pointing to heaven for the simple reasoning that if it worked one time, they should keep doing it.

The thought of mixing Christianity into Popular Culture, in this case professional sports such as Football and Baseball, appears to yet again have raised an issue that has been so blown out of proportion that it is ridiculous. Who is anyone to judge another for their actions. Professional athletes may be in the public eye, and sure their actions should be critiqued, but only if these actions harm someone or something.

When a baseball player points to the sky after a homerun, a hit, a strikeout, or tying their laces they are not harming anyone, and the media does not go on a frenzy. Tim Tebow praying after a touchdown is just as harmless, let him do his job and if he chooses to pray it is his choice.

Article I am replying to:

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