Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reply to Sandra's post "Making Good Deeds Public"|

When I read the quote at the beginning of Sandra's article, I immediately thought of the concept called "Pay It Forward". Pay It Forward is a concept that was made famous in a book and later movie both released in 2000, however it was created centuries earlier. The premise of Pay It Forward is pretty simple: If you perform a good deed on another person, instead of that person repaying you they are to turn around and perform three good deeds for whomever they choose. The idea is to make the lives of those around you better which will in turn make your own life better.

This concept of Pay It Forward is one that has always stuck with me ever since I first was made aware of it. This is not to say that I am some perpetual good samaritan that goes around doing endless good deeds for those I do not know, but I do at the very least try and offer a helping hand whenever I am able to. I do this simply because I am of the mindset that I would hope if I were in the same position of those I help, they would step in and offer a helping hand to me also.

In Sandra's article, her argument centers around the fact that celebrities are often seen in the public eye doing varying charitable acts or good deeds. They are not just being caught candidly doing these acts, they are often paying for the publicity they receive so that they can broadcast to the world that they are giving back as if it was their duty. I see this as being the opposite of what the above Pay It Forward concept is trying to accomplish.

Don't get me wrong, the money that these celebrities raise for whatever charity it is that they are supporting is surely welcomed funding for those charities. And I am sure that this funding does to a degree go towards individuals who could really use some help. However, charities really only cover the specific areas that they cover. Not everyone who is in need of help is looking for monetary support. Sometimes someone who is extremely well off still needs a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to.

It is important to never judge a book by its cover. Everybody has something in their lives that they need help with. They may be too proud to show it, but nobody is perfect. In fact those that have read this probably immediately related it to an issue somewhere in their own life that they wish they had some help or support with. I know I did as I wrote it. My point is, the act of making good deeds public is unnecessary, and should not be why someone helps another person. You do not help others because you want to come off as a better human being, because when all is said and done you're still only helping yourself.

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